God has been explaining everything that has occurred in our universe since the beginning of time. Greek, Roman, Indian, Egyptian, Christian, Islamic, and other gods have been documented in various publications because they were essential to people’s daily lives. They still serve as a source of inspiration for artists today. For instance, the Instagram account for the comic book Goofy Gods portrays the gods in a far different light than is normal. Zeus discovered that together with Persephone, the Mario video games and Hades were intertwined with modern society.
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Every week or whenever they can, two friends who are also mates try to make us laugh on their joint Instagram account called Goofy Gods Comics. He started his first Instagram account on August 15, 2019, with the goal of amassing 200k followers by May of the following year. As a consequence of his continuous success, he now has almost 300,000 Instagram followers. His posts earned between 20,000 and 170,000 nice responses from comedians.



The comics feature Thunder, the greatest god, and Zeus, the god of heaven. Another is Hades, the god of the dead and ruler of the underworld. In the comics, he has a close bond with his three-headed dog Cerberus, also known as Cerby.
Along with publishing short comics, Goofy Gods Comics also creates miniseries that are popular with their audience. Recently, information on Persephone’s acceptance of Hades’ bold invitation to a date became available.










